I've Dealt With Various Styles, But Only Offer One for Commissions. Why?

For those who have been following me, there are a lot of charcoal drawings of a more minimal nature. Occasionally, you may find me doing some sanguine paper art with black outlines in charcoal, sand tone paper with graphite and white charcoal sketch lines, simplistic oil paintings, or some detailed graphite drawings (that I tend not to finish). Yet, I only offer one style and medium.

I know some people are gonna tell me that doing sketches/outlines would be great for those looking for "budget-friendly" art, but honestly, it's just something I don't want to offer.

Opposite of the quick outline/sketch art, on a very rare occasion, you may find me doing a detailed graphite study, which takes ample hours to complete. There were a few times I was asked if I could offer this particular style as a commission. My answer to this is always "no." This type of artwork would end up being tens to hundreds of hours depending on size and complexity. I would end up burning out and disappointing a client (notice I rarely finish these types of drawings?). I only draw this way when I'm "in the mood" for it and over time, pick on a drawing here and there as a practice. If anything, this particular style is for studies and personal art projects. Otherwise, commission?  I'll burn out. 

I meet in the middle. While it's a possibility I might be open to doing simple oil paintings someday, I stick with minimal-detail charcoal drawings on toned gray paper as a commission choice and leave out other styles.

I am aware other artists may offer multiple styles, but I'm personally not one of them.

Maybe this is just me and I cannot speak for others, but personally, whenever I browse artists showing off commission sheets filled with all sorts of styles, I feel overwhelmed. I feel I wouldn't know what to expect from this artist if I were shopping around for one.

I've run across sheets that have two or three styles or sheets that are all: "outline only; line with sketches; outline and color; outline and semi-detailed color; outline and detailed; outline and black & white semi-detail." There was a sheet I ran into recently on Discord that had nine options. This is too complicated and confusing in my opinion. I won't do this when it comes to freelance work.

So, I keep it simple. Again, other than the possibility of offering another medium in the future, I stick to one style rather than listing out every single style and medium I've experimented with as commission choices. I don't want to overwhelm potential customers or offer styles I cannot hold up promises to. 

The style of drawing I offer for commissions.

A portion of an unfinished portion of a snail shell that is only almost a quarter completed at the time of taking a picture of it. The drawing of Bubba above didn't take nearly as long as completing this section of the shell.


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